A defiant poem that came to me within days of my surgery

Less than one minute read time.

You think you can beat me
Eat me
Take my life from the inside out

You think you can break me
Make me
Give it all up no doubt

Let me tell you
You rotten cancer
You can't
You won't
I will not allow your festering decay

I will beat you
Defeat you
I will smile as you fade away

You came uninvited

Invaded where you were not wanted
Consider yourself

You cowardly scum
You sickening scab
You're presence is in violation
I'm done with you now
I'll show you how
To get rid of your infiltration


  • Very good!  Did that just come out in a single reaction or is it a work of art crafted over a few days or weeks?!

  • Surprisingly, I awoke at around 3am with an angry rapper in my head so i hurriedly typed it into my phone! I did more in the days afterwards and have mellowed since Blush

  • The day of my op
    Now history
    The day they removed
    The source of the mystery
    The thing inside me
    That was causing me strife
    The hideous thing
    That may have ended my life
    Now the thing has gone
    The future is bright
    At the end of the tunnel
    There's light
    The recovery
    (Though not without pain)
    Is going well
    And so much to gain
    Each day strength returns
    The wounds heal a bit more

    Each day my bum
    Is a little less sore
    Each day I sit
    A little more easy
    A little less tired
    A lot less queasy