That's the chemo all done (I hope!)

1 minute read time.




On 16th December 2021 I completed my 8th and (hopefully) final chemo session. From 1st September until now I have experienced a range of side effects from not being able to go to the toilet to not being able to get off the toilet! Muscle and bone pain, nausea, oral thrush, severe heartburn, insomnia, fatigue, hot flushes (good old menopause has been bought on with meds). I've lost my hair, eye brows, eye lashes and a couple of toe nails. I've gained weight and have the chemo moon face look going on. But on top of all that, I've got slightly smaller tumours. So it's all been worth it. I've been looked after by some amazing doctors and nurses, experienced immense levels of kindness and generosity and made some brand new friends - my new sisters in arms.   

Hopefully I won’t have to have chemo after surgery and radiotherapy, but I've been told there may be a chance I will. Anyway that’s a worry for the future. One step at a time. 

I'm currently in my pre-surgery isolation period. I have surgery coming up and that's all I'm focusing on for now. But I did want to celebrate by chemo sessions. Fighting cancer is a war. I'm happy to say that I won the first battle!
