Meeting the Oncologist

1 minute read time.

Today’s appointment with the oncologist was mind boggling, but everything was explained so well. He was lovely, the nurse was lovely. My friend working on that ward who took my blood is deliciously lovely. Everyone is so god damn lovely. I want to meet a real shitty person so I can be rude and obnoxious and shout and scream at them. I guess I want to meet my cancer so I can punch it in the chuff!

Anyway, emotional outburst aside. My chemo is starting next week. I’ll have one type of chemo every 2 weeks for 4 rounds. Then they’ll give me a different chemo, once again every 2 weeks for 4 rounds. So that will see me up to just before Christmas. However, if after the first 2 session’s ultrasounds show the cancers aren’t shrinking they’ll go straight to surgery. Then carry on with chemo and radiation therapy after. Because oestrogen and progesterone are feeling my cancers, I’m also going to be having drugs to stop all ovarian activity, then later down the line an operation to remove them. Whoopee-doo! If cancer isn’t a good enough treat, I get the bloody menopause too.

I came away with yet another Macmillan goodie bag. Lots of reading to do, a thermometer and a sample pot for every possible bodily function (one pot even contains a mini scoop – urgh!)

I’m having an ECG on Sunday to check the old ticker, as chemo can put strain on the heart. I honestly feel like I’m prepping to go to war.
