Lashes and Brows - please don't leave me!!

1 minute read time.

It's been 12 weeks since I started chemo. I've had 6 cycles so far, 2 more to go. My hair started falling out after my 2nd cycle, but I was really pleased that my lashes and brows stayed put. However, over the past few days they've been getting thinner and patchier and I've currently got about 8 lashes per eyelid and not many more in the brows so I treated myself to a magnetic lash kit. The advert showed how easy they were to put on and all the reviews backed it up. Now, I'm not very good at putting on make up - especially liquid eyeliner - but I decided to give them a go this morning. What a palaver that was!! If you aren't an expert at liquid eyeliner, then avoid magnetic lashes like the plague! Once that stuff touches your skin, there's no way a damp cotton bud will touch up any uneven bits or smudges. It's like tar. I re-watched the advert and the lady puts the eyeliner on really quickly in one simple swipe. As my tentative method doesn't seem to work I tried the faster single swipe move. Turns out thats not as simple as it looks, I somehow ended up painting my actual eyeball. I finally have 2 uneven messy lines on my eyelids so attach the lashes. They don't stay on - the ends keep pinging off. ARGH!!!!! After lots more pressing and holding they are on. However I look like a child has attached me with a Sharpie and left some spider legs on my face. Maybe with foundation and colouring in my brows, they wont look as awful. Or maybe I'll just keep rocking the Matt Lucas look until I befriend a local make up artist. 

(p.s the even more annoying thing is that my top lip still hasn't started shedding its little bit of fair hair!!!)

  • They usually go where u don't and where you want the hair to not grow, it won't budge. Know that feeling. Bless you for trying all you can.

    There is a charity called Look Good Feel Better which may provide some guidance but may be a bit late as you're near to finishing chemo. Nevertheless check it out maybe?

    C x

  • At least I've given them a try. Maybe I'll try the glue ones next as the eyeliner ones don't seem to be for me.

    I've read about the Look Good Feel Good charity. Their workshops used to be run in my local hospital but due to covid, they were stopped. The nearest place they are run is over 100 mile round trip for me so quite a distance to travel. Gutted as I could use all the help going Smile

  • You can do the LGFB classes via Zoom. I've done 3 so far. You get a magnificent make up bundle afterwards of high end stuff that's worth £250! It's still worth doing.

    I've done the makeup one, nail care and the hair loss one. I'm signed up to a scalp care and hair regrowth one at the end of December. Just Google search and sign up. 

     I've bought these - they are specifically for people with no eyelashes and have a clear adhesive not the black eye liner. I've yet to try them so will let you know how they look and how easy they are to apply. 

    You can also get the pretend tattoo eyebrows. If you go on YouTube there are loads of people demonstrating how to use them. 

    Im still holding onto my eyebrows and eyelashes but I fear they may not hang around much longer xx

  • Ooh I might look at doing a zoom one then. I'm absolutely useless at make up at the best of times and always had my lashes and brows tinted. But there's nothing there to tint anymore lol. I'll have a look at those Eylure lashes too. 

  • Hi. I had microblading done, just before I started my chemo. I was expecting it to cost me the earth, but the really lovely lady (who moved some things around to slot me in before my chemo) did it for me for free, Apparently a lot of microblading artists don't charge people going through chemotherapy. I don't think that you can have it during chemotherapy, but you can have it afterwards. I am going to do the Look Good feel better makeup course too. I keep booking the online one and cancelling, so am going to try and do one in person in January. Thankfully the hospital that I have my cancer treatment in (which is about 15 mins away) is running one. Only issue will be getting back for the school run (it will be a bit tight). 

    I have also bought those fake lashes but haven't needed them yet thankfully. Mine are definitely magnetic, but I am now hoping that they aren't the ones applied with liquid eyeliner (I didn't know that there were 2 options, but I'm not very good with liquid eyeliner either.... x