CT Scan - easy peasy lemon squeasy

1 minute read time.

My CT scan was on 14th August and this time I made sure I read all the information sent. We didn't want any more drama's like the PET scan. My sister was visiting at the time so we left the boys with her and made the dive to the hospital. Again, it wasn't my local hospital but one in a neighbouring county. We made it there in loads of time to went for a cuppa and a slice of toast in a nearby Tesco café.

The scanner was in a portacabin behind the hospital. My appointment was 9.45am and I went in bang on time. Another big shiny white tube. I had a cannula put in my arm and I was hooked up to the pump that delivers the x-ray dye. Unlike the PET scan, this one was only due to last about 5 minutes. When the dye went in I had a warm tingly feeling all over, followed by a feeling of wetting myself! Oh please no, let it just be a sensation and not the real deal. Thankfully when it was all over I was delighted to find that I was nice and dry. 

So that's the scans done. The results will be discussed when the breast surgeon, radiologist and oncologist all get together for their team meeting and then I'll be called in to see Mr M again. So a bit more waiting but another step closer. 
