5 Weeks Post Op

1 minute read time.

(written on 22nd Feb 2022)

It’s exactly 5 weeks since I had my surgery. I feel so much better than those first couple of weeks, obviously! However, I still don’t feel like I’m healing as well I should. I’m not the most patient person. My wounds are still a bit gooey in places and there’s a spot on the left side that has sprung a leak. After surgery your body can develop seromas.  A seroma is a build-up of bodily fluids in a part of your body where tissue has been removed by surgery. Kind of like an internal blister. Well, mine builds up then leaks through a weak spot on my left side that hasn’t healed shut. This has been happening daily now for 2 weeks. I have to pretty much milk myself to release it all else it will just constantly trickle out. Yep, I know some of you are probably thinking “urgh that’s vile”. I did too to start with. But until that area heals shut or my body stops producing this fluid, it’s just something that will happen. 

In the last 2 weeks I really feel myself getting stronger. My arms are getting much more movement and reach in them (still struggling to reach the treats tin on the top of the fridge though). My lashes and brows are growing, the fluff on my head is starting to resemble mini tufts of hair now and not feathers. I’ve been out for walks with Rob and the boys and I’ve had coffee with a few friends. It all feels so nice, like how life was pre-cancer. I feel like I’m getting stronger emotionally too. Don’t get me wrong, there’s been dark days and lots of tears, but they seems to getting less and less as each week passes.

I have an appointment tomorrow with my surgeon and the breast care nurse. The pathology report has finally come back. So I get to hear the results of that and also find out what happens next. I’m feeling positive about tomorrow, but keep your fingers crossed for me anyway. A little extra hope can’t hurt.
