in hospital for 11 days and now dont know what was wrong but out now! yah!

1 minute read time.

On Monday 17 Sept I ran a temp, was admitted to a ward in the cancer centre and was told theyd need to keep me for a couple of days while they hunted down what was wrong.  they ruled out chest infection, urine infection and every other infection.... took loads of bloods then as i refused canulation meant they had to investigate why my port had never given blood and was now refusing to take meds/saline.

problem solved by some very determined and caring nurses - even if at every meeting they said patient in Side Room 1 refusing treatment - which wasnt quite true but hey ho my port works now and it was ONE day that one of my antibiotics (which was IV only) couldnt be given.  they decided that the infection was in my port line but despite all sorts of treatments my temperature continued to spike and my pulse rate stayed high.

despite the staff all being absolutely wonderful i had many low days until i accepted that i wouldnt know when i would be leaving. from then on in i accepted all offers from visitors and the advice to leave the ward to go for a pub lunch at the weekend. 

this all helped and after a blood transfusion on tuesday i came home on wednesday 26 sept only to return today for my final chemo. also learned today that the infection wasnt in the line so goodness knows where it was but it seems gone now.

so home and enjoying life again

hope everyone is looking for a good weekend, God bless us all x
