Where were you Macmillan ??

1 minute read time.

As the title suggests Where were you Macmillan ?

My mam passed away yesterday and from the moment she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer til the moment she died where were you ?

In the beginning she had a macmillan nurse. Then she was told she could no longer have that nurse as my mam was under the care of the royal marsden hospital and that nurse was attached to St helier. So she waited for weeks to be assigned another nurse eventually one turned up and introduced herself then phoned the following day to say she was leaving and another nurse would be assigned to her.

Two weeks later another one showed up promising her help with her personal care, help with getting about help with benefits etc. weeks went by and still nothing My mam was literally left to fend for herself with no support whatsoever until she phoned the original nurse literally begging for help,

she was in pain, couldn't walk, couldn't bathe herself or even wash her own hair Thankfully the first nurse jumped on the phone and gave everyone concerned a good old rollicking for leaving my mam for so long without any help or support but unfortunately that was only a few days ago and my mam is now dead so your services will no longer be required.

I'm sitting here now at 4.45 am trying to make sense of it all wondering why you let her die in such an undignified manner with little or no support at all ?? You could have helped to make her more comfortable in the final months you could have even helped to improve her quality of life but you stood back and did nothing and let her die.

I hope to god I never have to rely on Macmillan in years to come because if i do god help me if thats the kind of care and support i can expect

So again I ask the question for one final time WHERE WERE YOU ?


  • FormerMember

    Shane, what has happened is awful.  But at least your Mum had you.  You would of filled a big gap that there clearly was.  I am sending you much love.  Eliyza, x