Do you use social care services?

1 minute read time.

You may have seen the political parties arguing about the future of social care in England over the last few weeks.  They’ve been fighting about the big ideas and changes that need to be made to social care services in this country to meet the needs of an ageing population.  Macmillan has previously responded to national consultations about the big changes that need to be made – calling for the social care needs of cancer patients (emotional, practical, and financial) to be recognised, and for services to be available to meet their needs.


But we know that this is not just an issue for the future – local councils who provide social care services are already under a lot of financial pressure because of the economic situation, and we want to know whether this is having an impact on the services that people use and need now.  If you are someone who uses care and support services*, or if you care for a friend or relative who does, please take our online survey to give your views.  It should only take 5 minutes of your time. 

*The care and support services we are looking at include help and support for people to do day-today things, such as living in their own home, working, cooking, shopping and personal care. Services might also include independent living support like equipment to help with mobility, counselling and occupational therapy, home adaptions, day care services, breaks and other support for carers and telecare and telehealth services (technology like personal sensors and alarms in the home).  This survey does not apply to medical treatment or nursing care provided by the NHS or ‘continuing care’ packages.


