Calm Down, What's Important?

1 minute read time.

This is an admonishment to myself , a reminder not to blow my top at things which really are not important.

I could have spat bullets at my laptop screen as I tried to update myself with the site changes. Frustration. Irritation. Lack of patience. Calm down. Three deep breaths. And maybe another three deep breaths.

And then I spot posts from online friends and other folks who are dealing with Big Issues. And I could smack my own wrists. For Heaven's Sake, Jen, What on Earth is Important? What really is Important? This time last year, I would have no hesitation in replying. I knew the answer then. And I know the answer now. 

A bit of hassle with IT stuff is nothing, nothing, rien, nada, in comparison with what some of you are struggling with. And I am ashamed of myself.

And I can hear D. saying, 'Let it go, Jen. It doesn't matter.' Thanks, D., you always knew. 

What was upsetting me was my need to make contact with my Mac chums. How much you have me helped me, how much I value your support, your good wishes. How much I have learnt from you in the last 4 - 5 months. Thank you all. And may you find on the site the help and encouragement you need too.

Hugs to all..

Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Hi LittleJen don't be beating yourself up, before I even got to the end of your blog I was thinking of course you were spitting bullets at your laptop as you were frustrated at not being able to touch base with your macfamily. You're here now though and that is important.

    Huge gentle hugs xo

  • FormerMember
    Hello my lovely, don't you dare admonish yourself! I have been spitting bullets at the laptop and it nearly ended up out the window at one point trying to get on here when tired. The little things Re too much some days. It's ok we take a breath and realise that in good time but we are human and nowt wrong with a bit if fury at a computer. I'm polishing your armour not your halo hehe anyway I have been the same and now I finally got on I am too tired to comment! So love to my mac family and extra bug hugs to you fellow small tall person xxx little My on her phone that doesn't do paragraphs and changes words as it sees fit xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hey guys, thanks.

    But you know, I do need to remind myself about what is important, because it kind of puts the right perspective on everything and sometimes, when it works, it stops me getting all het up about nothing.

    At least we all got on here in the end. So that, in my book, IS important.

    Am going to go and empty a cupboard and look for some wool to knit arm warmers. Oh isn't it sad - she has well and truly lost it. Knitting arm warmers - whatever next. 

    Hugs and smiles all round,

    Little Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    ooooh arm warmers... lovely :) Not mad, or not madder than me, ah, hmm, lets gloss over that bt then..

    I need some gloves. Got caught out this morning. Frosty cold and no idea if I even have gloves, never mind where they might be...

    Of course you are right but there is remembering and telling yourself off. I am all for remembering what is important but not for you telling yourself off if you get upset with the little things...

    So, yes, we remember little things are not worth getting het up about and you are right it does help and I have to remember that too.... but I won't let you tel yourself off.

    OK? fair compromise?

    Hugs and smiles to you too and some bug hugs cos they are best.

    Little My xxx