What’s that there?

1 minute read time.

Sometime in late June as I was drying my hair I noticed a small indentation in my left breast when I raised up my arms. 
poking and prodding at this for a few seconds I put it down to nothing more that the underwire of my bra digging in so I decided to wear my sports bras to give it chance to “bounce back”
Fast forward a few more days and this dent was stubbornly remaining, I remember walking downstairs after a shower and asking my husband to have a look, his immediate response was “how long has that been there? Don’t you think you should get it checked out?”

I really did not think I should get it checked out because to me it was a skin anomaly and nothing more, however I reluctantly agreed to make an appointment with the GP to go and have it looked over (reluctantly because I am a nurse of 26 years and have an almost unhealthy desire to not be a patient myself!) As we are all aware the NHS is suffering and appointments are few and far between so it took me around a week to get an appointment. 
