Stage, Grade, Treatment ….. Mindf**k!

Less than one minute read time.

At this point I’m getting used to the obligatory “clinical groping” of my breasts and have a certain fondness for my superhero breast cancer cape (would like the additional superpowers…. Laser vision? Invisibility? Alas none have manifested this far)

once again I find myself back in the breast clinic sitting across from my consultant maintaining a “I’m fine,it’s fine,everything is fine”smile whilst being typically polite whilst she informs me of my treatment plan. “So the mass is fairly large however it’s grade 1 which means slow growing and this is very treatable. With that in mind we are going to perform a therapeutic mammoplasty and as your biopsy showed positive results in your lymph nodes we will also remove these at the same time”.

Nodding and smiling like a lunatic I happily agree and say Thankyou far too many times until my consultant leaves the room turn to the breast care nurse and say …. EH? what is happening? What am I having? 

Surgery, the answer was surgery and it was happening soon  as it turned out, much sooner than planned…. Brilliant  Thankyou breast cancer !
