One stop boob shop

1 minute read time.

“Please attend the breast care clinic on the 28/7/23 at 8:30 am following referral from your GP”

First thought “why is it so hot in here?” Second thought, “glad I came alone looks like I may be in for a bit of a wait….”

loacal radio station cheerfully pumping out a melody of 80’s pop, friendly smiley receptionist, many well watered plants pretty pink decor, no this is not a place for bad news, I can relax and read my kindle whilst I wait. 

30 minutes wait time ( impressive by NHS standards) and I was called in to see one of the doctors. Cue run through explaining the reason for referral followed by the obligatory boobs out let’s have a look examination.  At this point there were a few more probing questions “have you felt a lump?” “When did you first notice this?” “Any lumps/swelling or tenderness in your armpit?” All off which I was able to confidently answer whilst remaining positive and pleasantly surprised at the thoroughness of the doctors assessment. 

I was given a cape to keep with me and informed that I would be taken back through to the waiting area and shortly called through for a mammogram, no alarm bells ringing I had anticipated all of this so far. Mammogram complete I was once again asked to take a seat in the waiting area and someone would come and get me soon. 

The next procedure took me a little by surprise as I was asked to go through for an ultrasound. My assumption was that I would have a mammogram and then be sent on my way, however still feeling relatively upbeat I made my way through happily texting my husband to tell him I should be done soon and would be home shortly. 
