“Get your tits out”

1 minute read time.

Fast forward to my breast check up appointment…. I sat in the waiting room with no anxiety or concern still convinced that I would be sent away with a clean bill of health and a commendation for checking my breasts regularly (something I was woefully lax about)

The practice nurse asked me how she could  help I explained that I had noticed a small indentation in my left breast when raising my arms, had put it down to underwire in a badly fitting bra and typically apologised for wasting her time.

What followed was the one of the many (many) times I would be asked to remove my top and bra so a complete stranger could have a good feel about - my breast had not had this much attention since the age of 13 when the boys at school created a “top of the tits chart”!

Much to my relief the nurse informed me that she was unable to feel a lump but would put through a referral to the breast clinic under the 2 week urgent referral pathway so the experts could have another glance over but all in all not to worry everything seems fine  

Cue smugness at being able to inform my husband that actually I was right and it was nothing to be concerned about ……
