Appointments….. more peopling than strictly necessary!

1 minute read time.

Roll on a week of sleepless nights and going down the rabbit hole of Googling “will writing services” “am I going to die” and the suchlike and acceptance began to set in. As much as I dislike the phrase “it’s is what it is” it seemed to sum it all up perfectly. 

As a mental health nurse of 26 odd years I know all of the right things to say when someone has received such a devastating shock, I know how to deliver mindfulness sessions and just be a listening ear with a cup of tea. What I soon discovered was that I am NOT good at taking my own advice!

Cut to return to the breast clinic where this time I was sat waiting for 45 minutes (anxiety slowly ramping up) I was not alone at this appointment as my husband decided to come along. We were taken to see a consultant who confirmed that I had cancer - something I took surprisingly well as I had been expecting this from my initial appointment. 

i was given a lot of information and a yellow folder full of even more information (at least my sleepless nights would furnish me with some knowledge now) More appointments were made for MRI and PETCT with a return to the breast clinic for yet more results …..

the journey begins!
