The story so far..

3 minute read time.

4th June 2011 - Health Check-up @ Clinic in London.
Doctor T felt a small lump in my neck and said I should have it checked at GP.

30th June 2011 - Visited local GP in Woking armed with Check-up results.
Was referred to Ms LP @  St. Peter's hospital to have the Nodule checked.

6th July 2011 - Thyroid ultrasound scan @ St Peter's Hospital.

18th July 2011 - Clinic with Ms LP @ St. Peter's Hospital
Confirmed a small nodule on Right Thyroid and proposed biopsy.

25th July 2011 - FNA on Nodule done @ St. Peter's to get some cells and find out what it was.

15th Aug 2011 - Clinic with Ms. LP @ St. Peter's Hospital.
Confirmed that the cell were suspicous of cancer and told I would need to have surgery
to have right thyroid and ithmus removed!
Quite shaken this day but was told that chances of cancer were a low 10~30%.

18th Aug. 2011 - Pre-op check @ Royal Surrey Hospital(RSH)

(22nd Aug 2011 - Moved house from Woking -> Richmond.)
Yes , there was so other stuff going on in my life!

24th Aug. 2011 - Surgery @ Royal Surrey Hospital(RSH) to have right Thyroid removed.
First time for me to have surgery and stay in hospital.
Went well enough and surprised I could eat pretty much straight away.

5th Sep 2011 around 3 pm - Got a phone call from Ms LP while at work. Bad news - the pathology on the thyroid confirm it was a Follicular Variant of Papillary Cacinoma!
Would have to have full Thyroid removal. 
This was another hard day - looks like the odds went against me. 
Phoned family and broke the news to them - not easy.
My partner had just left for Japan to look after his Dad who is hospitalized with stage 4 lung cancer - how was I going to tell him?

16th Sept. 2011 - CT Neck & thorax @ Ashford Hospital.
A quick and easy scan!

22nd Sept 2011 - Pre-Op check @ RSH.
Not how I was expecting to spend my 43th birthday!

5th Oct 2011 - Surgery @ Royal Surrey Hospital(RSH) to remove remaining thyroid.
I knew what to expect this time so made it easier.
Was pescribed T3  1x20mg per day and Calcium on discharge on 6th.

7th Oct 2011- Back for check-up on Calcium levels @ RSH.
Was told all okay and keep taking the calcium.

12th Oct 2011 - Stitch and steri-strip removed at local GP

13th Oct 2011 - Check-up @ RSH.
Wound has healed well.  Got them to increase my T3 to 3x20mg per day.
Introduced to Oncologist  Dr W and her assistant Dr L.
Got briefing on Radioactive Iodine theraphy (RAI) and needed Low Iodine Diet(LID).
Keen to get it done as sson as possible!  Will be informed date later by post.
Hope I can get it done by Xmas so whole thing does not drag on too long.

(13th Nov.  My partner's father died after short battle with lung cancer so I went to Japan for
2 weeks to attend funeral and support as much as I could.  The experience has changed my outlook on life and death.)

12th Dec. - Went to RSH for my RAI treatment.  Met with Dr W and her team during the stay.
Got the blood tests done on Mon, had the glow pill on Tue. and out on Thur.
Used train/bus to go to/from hospital this time as knew I would be tired.

19th Dec.  - Follow-up scan planned @ RSH.
Start T4 @ 100mg per day

5th Jan. 2012 -  Follow-up planned with Dr W @ RSH

16th Jan - Follow-up planned with Ms LP @ Ashford to check overall progress.

Early Feb - Should get T4 level checked with local GP. (6 weeks after starting T4)
