An introduction to Bronnie and Mike

2 minute read time.

I promised to do a brief history/background on 'Mike and I' so here goes. Mike is my partner of almost 30years and husband of the last 2 years  (I took a long time to make up my mind!) He had prostate cancer diagnosed about 6 years ago, which has since developed into secondary bone cancer with the terminal tag attached.  He is 65 years of age, still looking much younger, whereas I am 67 years of age and thanks to Clairol, Avon and L'oreil, manage to look not a day older than 68.  I myself suffer from post polio syndrome so between us we make a ruddy good combination together.  We live in a lovely bungalow by the sea down a little lane full of potholes which cars cannot reverse down cos it's too narrow, and it frequently gets flooded as the rains pour down the sand dunes.  This means I can't use my buggy and I am then in deep '----'

I have to say that Mike is one of those rare and wonderful men, who never appear to let things worry them and he is so laid back he's almost horizontal!  He was never ill until this happened and he has fought it with courage and humour and bloody mindedness, saying that he wouldn't let this get the better of him because I needed looking after!

About seven months ago he developed urinary problems and had to wear a catheter and typical of him, proceeded to draw a smiley face on the bag.  Two months ago he was told that the catheter would have to be permanent and he opted to go for the stomach catheter instead, which requires an op for it.  I know he was gutted at the news but instead of moaning he told me he still has the luxury of not having to get up and pee, while I have to rush out to make it to the loo on time. Swine!

Three weeks ago he had a minor stroke which left him with chronic vertigo, confusion and visual problems but already he has almost recovered and insists on staggering around to make me cups of tea and coffee and I threatened to tie him to the chair the next time I catch him trying to pick up things off the floor but this is Mike and he'll not stop trying to do his bit to make life easier for me until it becomes impossible for him to do so, so I guess I'll let him do it while he still can and stop nagging him.  This of course is only if he remembers  to put sugar in my coffee, then I told him I have a perfect right to whinge cos it's almost a hanging offence in my opinion.

Bye for now all of you out there, be in touch soon and take care

