Six months since my surgery (before I even knew it was cancer!)

1 minute read time.

So, I have switched back to this blog from the one which focussed on Radiotherapy and it's immediate effects. I cannot believe it has been 6 months since my expected to be benign lump was removed - 2nd January 2014 - I remember it well, or at least the build up to it anyway.

Such a life altering operation!

During those six months I have completed Radiotherapy treatment, recovered from that, encountered 2 flare ups with my Multiple Sclerosis (the latest of which subsided only 5 days ago), had some minor surgery to remove 2 skin lesions (results awaited) and lost a patch of hair. So I am officially now a patchwork quilt.

The antidepressants seem to be working ...... which has surprised me because I didn't realise just how depressed I had become until I identified and then said out loud to my husband that I felt better than I had for years ...... I must have had postnatal depression for the past 6 years which was exacerbated by this cancer diagnosis. So, I am taking that as a positive to come out of my cancer diagnosis.

My taste has more or less recovered, my mouth has almost recovered but chilli causes ulcers, I have had an Indian meal and have started eating more healthily. My weight has started to come down over this past week and today I resumed running training. It's going to be a long journey to get back to being able to complete 10k but if I take it gradually I will get there.

The unfortunate news we have had these past few weeks is about my mother-in-law. She was hospitalised last month with pneumonia .... discharged after a week but is back in again. We have found out that she has leukaemia and they have discovered a breast lump ..... but as yet we don't know the type of leukaemia or what the treatment options are. My poor husband has had the most difficult year of his life supporting first me and now finding out about his mum. I am going to do all I can to help and know that there is so much useful information on this website.

I will post back soon ... hopefully with some good news about my mil.

