First time

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Well, hello evryone. This is my first time on here so excuse if it isn't very interesting. My mum has recently just had a bowel cancer op to remove the cancer. All is looking good except all the worries and emotions that come with it. Never had cancer so close in the family so when it hits, it hits hard. So thought writing things down might help, and where better than a site where the readers understand and can relate, and hopefully share experiences so I can learn what to expect and how to deal with what's coming up in the future. I think like most people, I don't really know what to expect so any advice, comments etc would be greatly welcomed.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Brian,

    Well you have come to the right site. We are one big family here to help eachother out with help, support ,comfort or just to talk. You will meet a lot of friends on the site only to willing to help you in anyway we can. If you want to talk there is always someone here to listen. So welcome to Macland. The site nobody likes to join. I wish your Mum all the best. Keep in touch.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • Hi Brian,

    Good place to come if you need support,advice or to compare notes - Welcome.

    I am being treated for bowel cancer which was diagnosed last year, so if you have any questions I will try to help if I can. Having the support of those close to you is so important both for patient and carer, your Mum is lucky to have you and in turn I hope you can feel supported by the Macmillan community.

    My very best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Welcome to a band of helpful friends - without their help, like you, I would have been lost.

    There are some amazing stories of people who have cancer in their families whether as a patient or as a carer and somedays these just help put things in perspective - celebrate everyones good days and support on the not so good days....

    You will find lots of information too... some people really do know their stuff!

    Oh and don't forget to check how you are - being there for your mum can take it out on people in all different ways... five minutes to ask yourself how are you today and what will make it a brilliant day... might be five minutes time out or somthing more exciting!!

    Wishing you and your mum, all the best for her journey

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Brian I had bowel cancer last year.

    I got through it ok, I had an op then 6 months of chemo which in itself isn't very pleasant but doable.

    The best thing is to ask lots of questions of the oncology team if you get the chance.

    I wish your mum and you all the best!

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Brian and welcome to the site, although I am sorry for the reason that you find yourself here.

    I /found wonderful support during my Mum's illness from everyone on here. It's pretty scary when dealing with cancer in someone you love and everyone here has useful  knowledge gained in some way and will do their best to support you through your Mum's journey. Feel free to ask away, nothing is too insignificant if it worries you or your Mum.

    I hope that your Mum's treament goes well. I found it much easier to support and care for my Mum with the help of my friends on here. Keep us posted.

    Best wishes Sharonxx