Let's Go Round Again.

1 minute read time.
I'll take a bet that not only me has that tune bouncing about in their heads as we get back into the routine of hospital appointments. So on Tuesday this average white band will find himself being injected into a big tube to undergo another one of life's varied experiences. Then the week afterwards I will be sitting waiting to see the Breast Cancer Consultant. This is definitely not my idea of the best way to be the token male in a group, but there you go, we play the cards we are dealt. The MRI scan is not for cancer, they are looking for a trapped nerve in my back that's possibly causing my left leg to be numb and to have a near constant ache. Tomorrow I am going to try to contact the secretary for the BC man and tell her about my forthcoming scan. It makes sense to me that is can serve the two purposes and that they can request the results as well as the physio people I am seeing at a different site. I certainly can't see the logic in wasting resources just doing my lower back and then maybe being sent for another scan further up. A gang of us were out last night, we went to a Japanese restaurant we keep going back to in Manchester. I was able to have a good chat to my ex girlfriend. She has just passed the 10 year finishing line since she was diagnosed with BC. She was the youngest they had treated at the hospital and was always known as the baby by all the nurses. She said all the things one would expect about staying positive. I asked her did everybody tell her that when she was facing the unknown and she said they had. I simply said to her "Did that stop you worrying?" Her face said it all, and I knew she understood completely. Seeing as this is a 'get it off my chest' entry (what an apt expression, given my circumstances) I haven't got a way to round off the entry neatly so in the words of one of my heroes, Bugs Bunny ................ That's all folks