Bren pops his head round the mac door 2

2 minute read time.

So they have (at last) decided what is wrong with me, I went to play my my leading part in the next episode of 20,000 leagues inside Bren and the camera found I have a stomach hernia.  I was still going through a very bad period of having a very bloated and painful stomach and the weekend was a testing time. In desperation I managed to get a "released on the day appointment" to see a doctor at the surgery on my way for my cystoscopy. It was a doctor I hadn't seen before, but armed with the results of last weeks endoscopy he changed my tablets again. Prescription filled at the attached pharmacy and pouring large quantities of Gaviscon+ into myself I staggered off to the hospital. Cystoscopy normal and another six months interval in progress. I went for a change to the new clinic at Halton instead of Warrington and the set up there allows the patient to see on screen what the doctor sees, if I hadn't been in such pain I would have enjoyed it more. Roll on the repeat next May.

I spent the next 30 hours sitting in an armchair with dressing gown on, heating going full blast, shaking and shivering, then pumping sweat. I moved only to keep filling up a glass of water until I thought of filling a flask to save moving again.  By Wednesday evening the pain had all but disappeared and the hard stomach had gone, but I was as weak as a baby. I now think at the same time I had caught a chill or flu, but with being so bad with the other problem it hit me like an express train. By the evening I was able to hobble to bed and then slept for nearly twelve hours, waking constantly sweating copiously. The bedding was as wet as if I had been swimming and got straight in. Changing that could have been a sketch from Monty Python but luckily nobody was there to save it for posterity.

So I now have a tablet that allows me to function more or less normally - WRONG. On Saturday (yesterday) I had to do a bit of rushing around and in the course of things I was looking for a piece of computer equipment, aren't they always in the furthest box on the top shelf in the cupboard? and the stomach pains kicked off again while I was lifting and stretching. I may need to ask doctor to find me a nice field and put me to graze like a seaside donkey. Will look for bunches of carrots at the side of her desk next time I see her.

Today I have more physical work to do and I am approaching it with trepidation.



  • FormerMember

    Awww - Bren - So nice to hear from you. We've all been asking each other where you are and how you're doing. Sorry to hear that you're stomach is causing you problems.

    TTYL.  Maureen xxx

  • Oh poor you! It sounds as if you would rather it HAD been an express train that mowed you down! If doing these 'physical' things exacerbate your condition then DON'T DO IT!

    You paint a lovely word picture of grazing in a field, which shows that despite your condition you have not lost your renowned sense of humour.

    Cyber hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Dr say they don't automatically operate if they can control it with meds, on first hearing that it's a positive but .... hang on analogy time : My car heater stopped worked but I don't need to fix it if I don't use the car in winter. Then it overheats in hot weather as well, so don't use it in summer. What am I left with?

  • My surgeon offers a thirty-per-cent chance of successful surgery on my back.... or I keep taking the tablets. It's a bit like Russion Roulette, eh?

    Don't let the b*ggers grind you down.
