15 July 2011 second day of my second chemo

Less than one minute read time.

I am in so much pain. First the diarrhea, now constant tummy pain. I have been able to sleep more than 2/3 hours at a time.

My hand has gone black, where the chemo vein is. I have start of oral trush so have started taking flucanozel and Diffalam mouth wash.I have severa joint pain. Every thing hurst. My nails have gone black????

I am just hoping if I stay in bed I will be fine. I am not looking forward to next 10 days.

  • FormerMember

    Please do ring your oncology team if you are afraid - there is an 'on call' group available 24/7.  All I can say to you is make sure  you keep taking your temperature and if it goes up, get down the hospital, phoning them first to let them know.  The most bitter tasting medicine always has been the best.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Blue70,

    Please take Ann,s advice. Keep your eye on your temperature. If you are worried at all phone for an ambulance. Its better to be safe than sorry.  Good  Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    oh hun can sympathise chemo is crap i had the sickness badly from my 2nd chemo and got the usual skits could rely on that for a few days i bruise easily and my hand was sometimes black and blue and i found it would just go and id be back for the next chemo which i had 3 weeks apart ive had 6 sessions i also had the symptoms i couldnt touch anything cold drink anything cold and numbness in my feet and my leg muscles for at least ten days it was awful so know how you feel i was unlucky enough to pick up a few bugs as well and everyone used to come round with colds flu etc gee thanks!!!,,,,,,, excuse me my system cant take it lol thanks so much !!!! as Ann says if your temp goes up go see the doc immediately or phone the chemo line straight away do you have a chemo nurse you can phone mine is great !!!

    right hun hope this helps dont panic though if you can help it it was all new to me too and everyone on here were great what id have done without them i will never know they are angels every one of them so lovely and helped me get on with living with cancer girl take care for now love and hugs jenxxx.... if you need me add me and i will message you anytime if you have any worries if i can help i will hun xxxx