13-15 August 2011

Less than one minute read time.

Weekend is here. I miss my normal weekend, lazing around going for lunches.

I stayed in bed on saturday as I still cant walk far. My back is hurting from sitting so long in the bed.

I have flucanzol, nystin, dakatrin ( some gel) despite all these medication, I still have oral thrush. Whatever I eat which is couple of tablespoon tastes like cardboard. I miss eating cherries :( I cant taste anything, spices are big no no.

My eyes are still watering all the time.

My nail ah my nails. My finger nails have gone half black. couple of them are really hurting. I try to put black nail polish on but it irritates me and I can only keep it on for couple of hours.

I am feeling much better today so house cleaning here I come :)

I Have 9 days before my chemo so bring it on. I am just gonna have a blast this week.


ps havent been to the loo in 10 days :O "&(&£&£(*& no matter how much I curse or drink luctolose it aint happening. good luck to me.

  • FormerMember

    Gosh - you really seem to be having a tough time - I really wish you all the best over the next 10 days before your treatment starts - kind regards John

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Blue,

    Have you mentioned to your Dr. Its too long not to have gone to the loo. I personally have the same trouble but not 10 days maybe 3 at the most.. But I use Laevolac it works inside 24 hrs. But Check with your Dr first to make sure its suitable for you to take.  All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • Do try drinking lots of water to ease your constipation. Powerful painkillers draw water out of your system so you need to drink AND go to the doctor.


  • FormerMember

    dulcoeast and movicol should soften the stools when they eventually happen, but you should go to the GP about going more often.  I asked about it when i had gone four days.  There is enough to deal with nails and eyes as well as your posteriar. good luck and hopefully the rest of your treatment will be a walk in the park.