10 days to go...

Less than one minute read time.

Christmas & moving house has been a great distraction however now I am left thinking about what is happening and finding it difficult to not break down.  I have so many questions again but the one, the main and most important one is when will I know if they got it all, and if it has spread anywhere else. Trying to organise life post op is quite stressful but I do have amazing friends who have stepped up as I only knew they would.  Still, I am utterly terrified of what comes next and can't stop thinking the worse... I guess that is only natural.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emnoo,

    Christmas and moving house is stressful enough.  Without the wondering and waiting word, to see if they have got it all.and the waiting  to see if has spread. I know its not easy. But try and wait for the results and what the future holds.  All the best and very Good Luck to you.  Have a Healthy New Year.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    Fear is often ignorance in disguise - if you aren't told / haven't asked, you will obviously have no idea what to expect, or when. Don't let your imagination run your Life ! Right now, your imagination can be your worst enemy . . .

    I know this next statement sounds silly to some people, but Knowledge is Power ! 

    At your next appointment, armed with a list of all the unknowns that are terrifying you, ask questions ! As many as it takes, until you're satisfied. It's a bloody good idea to take someone with you, who will probably remember more of the answers than you will !

    Instead of worrying over things you have no idea about, and filling your head with wild imaginings, get those answers !

    It helps, imho, to live as much as possible in the 'Here & Now', at least until you better understand your situation. Once you have good quality info', you can readjust your mind, work out coping mechanisms, etc.

    I'm 58, and I've lived my Life to the max ! I've picked up a little wisdom along the way, and I cope with my condition reasonably well. You are, perhaps, in a far worse situation than me, emotionally. Your circumstances are emotionally demanding, and your lack of info' is adding to it.

    Until those all important answers turn up, enjoy your hubby and daughter, and all your friends. If you are symptom free at the moment - feeling physically no different-ish - try to carry on with your Life as normally as possible, put your imagination away [shoebox under the kitchen sink !], and concentrate on the good things around you !

    The New Year is about to unfold, traditionally a chance to review ourselves, and make changes. Take control of your Life, and show your mischievous imagination who's the real Boss !

    One last thought - wouldn't it be better to use your imagination to your advantage ? Imagine being at your daughters wedding, not whether or not you'll make it - THINK POSITIVELY !!

    Grab 2012 by the throat, and give it a good shaking !


  • FormerMember

    Wow thanks for this, I know this is all true - really thank you.  It is the unknown of course that is the scary bit, though it will remain unknown for a little while yet so you are right there is no point worrying until I know, then I will work out how to deal with it...