Be strong and be brave!

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Yes! My photo shows the cancer stamp. I don't want you to feel sorry or sorry for me. What I want is that you see in me a strong and brave woman and that, like me, you should not give up before the trials that come your way in life. I never thought I would be part of this group. The truth is that nobody wants it. If I am still alive it is because I detected the tumor in my chest early and because I have never stopped attending medical check-ups throughout my life. Early detection saves lives.

Believe me when I tell you that it is not a punishment from God. He does not want to see us suffer. He wants us to learn to trust him. God has a purpose for each of us in this world and trials make us strong and help us grow as human beings.

No matter what happens never give up, keep going! Do not give up! Life is worth living!

You can also know more about me at:

  • Hi Giovana, Just signed on to the online community and never shared online before.  I thank you for your thoughts, yes, I do see you as a strong and brave woman.  I was diagnosed as having breast cancer in July 22 and had surgery very soon after diagnosis.  I have found out so much that I did not know about Cancer and treatment in these few short months.  Met some wonderful people helping me through and some very brave people at hospital who were on their own journey.   It helped me to talk and get stronger.  

  • Hi Kats,
    I had never shared my experience with anyone before either. The truth was very difficult for me to be away from my family. It's just my husband and me. We only have each other. My parents are elderly and live in Peru. That is why they do not know about my diagnosis. I had an operation on August 9 and yesterday I went to Oxford. They have confirmed that I will need 16 radiotherapy sessions. Happily, he is helping me with transportation. My experience with chemotherapy was very hard. My treatment started on February 8th. I needed 6 cycles. I still cry remembering that most of the time I had to face it alone when my husband had to go to work. The tiredness, not being able to eat because of the metal taste on the tongue was very hard. I started to hate my favorite food dishes. Now I am enjoying many things again, but I am eating healthier. My daily menu contains a portion of fruit, a portion of vegetable salad. Milk and yogurt were my allies during that time. I love coffee, but throughout my chemotherapy treatment I hated it. Try to eat light things like vegetable soup. This disease changes our lives in many ways. We will never think the same or feel the same again. I hope that when the endocrine treatment that I will need for 10 years will help me so that the cancer does not come back. I got Covid after finishing the last cycle of chemotherapy on May 24 and for this reason, my surgery had to be postponed until August.
    I am also very grateful to NHS. I feel that all the doctors and nurses who continue to treat me are my angels here on earth. They are all wonderful and I pray every day for their lives. I ask God to bless you a lot and that you may be his instruments to save many lives.
    I sincerely hope that you can see the hand of God holding yours throughout this process. I send you a big hug. God bless you today and always!