The boy is back! (Well, most of him is)

1 minute read time.
Greeting, one and all. All hail the return of the BrambleDigger. All gifts and cash offerings should be left in a LARGE pile on the table at the side of my chair. I still cannot bend down too far. Socks are bloody impossible, so my feet are all on show. By that, I mean that all of both of my feet are on show - not that all of my feet are on show.........I think? So - I'm out. Discharged on Wednesday, only 5 days and two hours after I was wheeled out of the Operating Theatre! I'm not home at the moment - because the hospital insisted that I had someone with me for the first few days, I'm staying with a friend and I'm very grateful to her for putting up with me. I'm working on a laptop, which is not the most comfortable of devices, with an 8" long scar from bellybutton to dangly bit (me - not the laptop) so the next few blogs will be on the short side (Thank goodness for that, I hear you say!) And have I got some stories for you - from the lady breeder of racing pigeons to the 'A' Level Work Experience Student who wanted to watch my operation – from the ex-military gentlemen demanding immediate attention (yes, there were two of them) to the farting contests with a little old lady in the corner bed. There is so much more to tell. However – the most important thing to say is that I'm assured the operation went well and there is no likelihood of the cancer returning. I'm in a bit of pain and I'm still finding the catheter a challenge but, for all you blokes worried (like I was) about the slice and dice, the operation was a breeze, I didn't find it too tiring because I was sound asleep, and the aftercare at Salisbury was fantastic. Thank you for all your good wishes and I'll write again soon. I'm a bit on the sleepy side now and need a brief doze. Much love Steve xx