No news - is it good news? I don't think so.......

3 minute read time.
Well now - I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. It's just that I have nothing much to tell - even tonight (Tuesday) nothing has changed. I still feel quite well (which must be good), I still have a job (which must be good) and I've just had a nice meal (which must be good). So, Dr Freud, does that mean that all is good? I'm not sure. Don't get me wrong - I'm nowhere near as low as I was last week. Nothing like it, at all. In fact, I feel really happy about life (and that's mostly thanks to you folks and your comments and PMs, which still keep coming. Thank You) My headache is that I haven't heard from the Consultant (Don't be stupid, man. You had the scan Thursday and it's only Tuesday night now. What do you expect?) Yes - I know. But.......does that mean that I'm not as bad as was first thought? The biopsy was positive - OK. But the MRI scan may have produced less important results, perhaps? So I drop down the list, in favour of more urgent cases. I'm all for that. There must be hundreds of people in the Salisbury catchment area, worse off than me. But...... (Yes, I know you all know what's coming........) That doesn't really help me, does it? They are really odd - the thoughts that are spinning around in my head. Let me try and explain. This time last year, I was a hulking great beast, full of life and thoroughly enjoying myself. Then, I went to my GP in October, because I didn't feel quite right. (What the heck does that mean, you fool?) Well, I didn't feel in October 2008, the way I felt in - say - April 2008. Strange but true! After a few tests and balances - and that awful Trans-Rectal Ultrasound, my world was gently flipped around a couple of weeks ago, by a lovely Clinical Nurse called Billy ( a lady called Billy?), who softly explained that the biopsies showed Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer. She gave me loads of information, papers, booklets and so on, then told me that the MRI scan would tell far more. The next evening, my GP called. He had heard my news and, if there was anything I needed to know - or if I had any questions - I only had to telephone the Health Centre. Wow! How's that for service? But now - it's all gone quiet. (Hell's Teeth, you idiot. Give them a chance to look at the scans.) Do you see where I'm at? I know there is nothing that can be done. Nothing anyone can say or do - but I think the main reason for this post is to try and help others who feel ...... let down (?) the system. You see, I know that I will be looked after. I have no doubts about that - Salisbury is fantastic and I'm very lucky to be with them. I know that if there is anything badly wrong, they will contact me. I know that I will be cured of this beast - one way or the other - before very much longer. Yes - I'm being positive. But, can you see how easy it is to ......want.......need.......more support? And that, for me, is where this site comes in. To all of the long-term members of the site, I say a huge THANK YOU. Thank you for being there, thank you for listening to Newbies like me and thank you for sharing your own long Journey. To all the newly-joined members - no matter if it's about you, a relative, loved one, partner - this site will be a fantastic source of love, comfort and, above all, knowledge. (Although I did watch a video of a prostatectomy using the da Vinci robotic system - and I'm not sure I should have done....!!!!!!!!!) Thank you for reading this far..........more on me as soon as I know. Much love Steve
  • FormerMember

    Always advocate for yourself...never assume it will be done for you.  Good luck  :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve

    Glady you are feeling better today.

    There is a lot to be said for having a good meal!

    Hope your scans results are good.

    Good luck with everything

    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    know what you mean about scan results the waiting for the scan & then waiting for the results feels like the longest time of your life ,maybe it is ,because those picture's are like seeing if you have passed your exams or not .you have done your best but is your best good enough if that makes sense its the  not knowing what is going on thats the problem .with my first scans i had one on the tuesday one on the thursday results friday . the last one i waited for a week or so felt sick all the time ,went to see radio consultant & he couldnt get them up on computer [though that was only a day or so after scan] in the end asked macmillan nurse to chase them up because i couldnt stand it any longer they were clear. good luck with your scans maybe give the dr a ring see if he has heard anything or the clinical nurse they will be able to get results for you or arrange to have your appointment brought forward to see consultant don't worry they know that you need to know . just wanted to send you a hug at this time because we all know the hell of the wait take care love n hugs theresa xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve, I am unable to comment from a patient's perspective but from the relative's side I know that the waiting seems to be endless (even though it probably isn't).  Then there is the wait for treatment option decisions.  My thoughts are with you throughout this and I am glad you are able to voice your thoughts.  This is such an important thing as otherwise it just festers inside you and drives you crazy  Good luck with it all and I hope things go well for you.

  • FormerMember

       Hiya Steve,  you have come through a bad patch and say you feel good, long may that continue mate, if you feel good then you are good, keep your chin up mate and go for it, you sound as tho you are made of the right stuff.  I hope you "feel good" today and for all the days to come and I wish you well with your treatment, take care mate and look to the good things in life, from  Ricky