Bowel cancer, liver and lung mets. Awaiting ops. Help!!!

1 minute read time.
I am a 64 year old female, and have had two bowel ops in the past eight weeks. The first one leaked and so had an emergency operation leaving me with a large zip scar and illiostomy bag. I am now awaiting a liver resection at the Royal Free, and when I went last week to be given a date, I was told they had found nodules on my lungs - seven on one and one on the other. Of course not all of these may be cancerous but some are sure to be, and I will need a further two ops, one on each lung. I am now terrified, and beginning to think I am losing control of this. I am just about to become a Granny, as both my children are expecting babies, and I am heartbroken, as I have waited so long for this joy. Please can you help me get this back into prospective, as up until my hospital visit, I was really positive. I now feel that I am consumed with stress, and not able to sleep, so I have got to somehow turn his around. Has anyone had a liver resection, and have you any tips to get me through it? Many thanks.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Pattic,

    I am so sorry you are going through it atm , but have to say , am glad you are having op's my surgeon said if you can cut the cancer out you have a much better chance of recovery. So know it will be hard going through the op's but glad you are having it done.

    I have lung mets on my lungs from my bowel and my onc says I cannot have them cut out or lasered, am upset as I have had chemo that did'nt work very well , he has given me a break atm , but chemo is my only option.

    I am 62 and have 2 lovely girls and 4 beautiful grandchildren, that I adore , it is the best thing ever having them.

    So good luck to your children and you make the most of them, you will love it, and they certainly make you determined to get better.

    Please keep positive , you are going to do well and you have so much to live for like me. Good luck with everything, please let me know how you get on and when your grandchildren are born.

    Am sending you a good luck hug.

    Pam x

  • FormerMember
    Oh thank you Pam. What a lovely reply. I am not as fit as I used to be, and these ops. Do knock e stuffing out of you. I will try to stay positive, and knowing you are out there, will help me tremendously. Love and a big hug to you. Pat x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Pat,

    Yes am sure the op's will set you back a bit, but it will be worth it and it might take a bit longer to get over, but I will be here for you .

    My sister is waiting for her 2 daughters to have their babies, one has 4 days to go and the other one 10, she is so excited it will be her first grandchildren like you.

    Keep in touch,

    Love Pam x

  • FormerMember
    Hi Pam, My liver op. and lung met ops are now on hold, as the Oncologist thinks I need three months of chemo to get things back under control again. It is very scary as I was so ill when I had it last year, and just felt like I had the worst dose of flu imaginable. I am now on day 5 of the first treatment, and struggling. I feel really depressed and am having some horrid dark thoughts. I would appreciate your support at the moment, if you can spare me a minute. Love Pat x