Day +109: Some very good news

1 minute read time.
Well we had a VERY long day at the hospital monday, at first it felt incredibly dissapointing. I needed to have a blood transfusion (my first in months) because my haemoglobin was so low, all of my other blood counts were lower and I'd been taking hte GCSF injections so I was really hoping that my neutophils would be up above 1 and I'd be able to start getting out and doing more. Anyway it was a long day, talking to Matt the consultant cheered us up, he explained this is very common when taking the the anti-viral drugs and it shouldn't last all that long. Still today I got a phone call telling me that I my CMV virus count they took is now 0, so I can stop taking the anti-viral drugs completely, coupled with the GCSF injections I'm taking my blood counts should start shooting up. I still have to have a couple of bags of blood thursday which is a pain (they're two hours a piece) but I have an appointment with the clinical psychologist at the same time so I'm looking forward to that. Also I've started doing a lot more exercise, lot of sessions on the WiiFit. It really is killing me not having done exercise in so long, muscles don't know what to make of it having not done anything so strenous in such a long time. Still I know I'm going to have to push myself if I want to get my strength back, I've got an appointment at the Physio Hospital next thursday but really I'd like to start getting advice before that so hopefully I can see the Hospital's physio again in the next few days and explain the situation or find a private physio. I just really want to be in a situation where I can go and play squash with my friends and do all the normal things I want to do it. Right now when you're struggling to climb stairs and keep up with the walking speed of your parents it can be pretty disheartening. To be honest I'd love to get to a stage where I can run a half-marathon but... one thing at a time :)
  • FormerMember

    and also that you can step up the exercise - not too quickly though, eh? like you say yourself one thing at a time. Saying that, zipping past the parents will be a sweet moment! :)


  • FormerMember

    Will, how heartening to read such an upbeat blog from you, I am so pleased for you. Not so sure about the keeping up with the parents bit :-) I am running in the GSR in October, just completed my JustGiving page, I'm sure you will be able to give me a run for your money by then!!!  My 'children' all say they will train with me (when they are about!) but I think I will stick to my own company for now! If the time is slow I shall aportion blame on my sisters ....

    You will back to normal and play squash with your friends, and of course if your counts were low you would have struggled even more so the transfusion is a quick fix!  Do take heed of sorted67 and do not to too much too soon.

    Keep going Will, you have come so far and are doing all the 'right' things

    Take care, with love, Debbie xx