Bob p

1 minute read time.

Having been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer at the beginning of March last year at the age of 64, I went through the usual tests of biopsey, ct , mri and bone scans, and was immediatley put onto hormone therapy.( Decapeptyl). I was then asked if I would like to take part in the stampede drug trial. I had a gleason scale of 8 and was told that I had mets to the pelvis.

As my wife and I were in total shock at the time, we agreed as anything that might make this horrible disease go away had to be good. In hindsight I would probabley have said no.

I was put on an eighteen week course of chemotherapy (Doxetaxel) with steroids. This was preceeded by a one off radio therapy as a pallative ( painkiller).

I caught an infection after the second session of chemo and ended up in hospital for several days.

Following further scans I was told by my oncologist and GP that possibly the mets in my pelvis (diagnosed by the radiologist) might have been stress fractures instead and the cancer might have only spread locally to the prostate as I was then diagnosed with osteoporosis.

I am now on anti-inflamatory  drugs, painkillers and several other drugs as well as the hormone therapy, I have continued loss of feeling in my feet and hands and considerable pain in my legs, hips and lower well as chronic tiredness and total sexual disfunction, due to the chemo, hormone treatment and the osteoporosis.

Lately I have often thought is it worth it, or should I have left the cancer to take its course and had a normal life for a shorter time. You make your mind up but I think I know what my answer would now be.


  • FormerMember

    Huge hugs Bob xx xx xx


  • FormerMember

    The decision making and it's consequences are such a torment but only we can make them eh!!!

    I do hope that the treatment you've recieved gives you a better prognosis in the long run Bob. I myself had major decisions and through mine I now have a permantnt stoma but have no regrets at all and know my decision was right for me.

    Onwards and upwards always,

    Take care

    Jan x

  • My husband was told he had cancer last July at the age of 61 and it had come out of the capsule, he was then told it was in his bones. He was put on hormone injections every three months and tablets daily. no pain, and will not offer rt or chemo . His gleason was 9 and psa 51