It's a full-time job

3 minute read time.

It's a full-time job being me. I feel amazing after a nice swim. A little ruined by inconsiderate breaststrokers choosing to swim in the fast lane. I still cannot understand what goes through a person's head as they deliberately choose to swim at snails pace right in front of someone they know is going to be at least twice as fast swimming crawl. Two people swimming crawl in one lane, three people in the adjacent lane swimming breaststroke and somehow a new breaststroker ends up choosing the fast lane. Every friggen time. By-gones. I'm too relaxed now too let it bother me. 

I feel like I haven't sat still all day, even though I was in the cafe for two hours working on my photography site. I very seldom slow down. If I'm online reading the news, I'll do it at 110 miles and hour. Unless it's a movie I'm super excited about watching, or a comedy I know I'll love, I find it hard to just sit and watch. and be completely unproductive. Since I started commuting into London for work and spending 4 hours a day in transit, I've come to value time like I never imagined. Can never get enough of it. 

Some lyrics actually came to me while I was packing for swimming at 1:30pm. I think I swam them out :(

Will post them when I get a chance ;) But not on this blog.

I seem to have a million things to do. I really really want to get my new photography blog up so I can at least post new photos. I'll start with a safe one, that being my competition entry images. I've found a cool theme I can use in dark and light mode, so I can have my existing dark  style blog and then also an new section that's just called "explore" for now. I want to setup a really good comprehensive resource of the world's best photographers. Time time time. Crazy. I want to share everything I learn. All the great photographers I read about and watch in documentaries. I don't even think there's anything like it on the web. I want to buy up every back-issue of The British Journal of Photography and high-light every photographer that ever made it into the journal. That would be such a cool resource. 

One of the first things I will setup though, is an events section that I'll post all the photo exhibitions in world-wide. Create a big database of galleries and keep track of what's on where. It still amazes me that photography is one of the most popular past-times in history, especially now, yet mostly online it's just about uploading photos to Facebook and Flickr. There's no for photographers, unless you count the Behance Network, but that's not strictly photography. My site will be launched at I own too but it's not descriptive enough. 

Work's been uber dull lately. When you get asked to do things you could have done in your sleep fifteen years go, you can just image, how demoralising it is. I keep the bored at bay by looking at creative web stuff. At least it's on topic :)

For sad reason's I've discovered, like most of Twitter this week, who took most of those black and white photographs of Marilyn Monroe. Eve Arnold passed away. Will have to learn about her work sometime in the future. 

Dinner at the folks tonight. I've got to start my app website. It's just a single page WordPress theme with some graphics I'm having designed for the brand, that'll go on the icon too. Maybe I'll get to work on that more soon. Feels like things are going to change somehow. I have 3 or 4 other strong app ideas I'd love to be able to get going too. Just farm the work out.   

Oh yes, this a cancer site. Still can't read Steve Jobs' biography. Nothing to do with him dying of Cancer and everything to do with him working so hard to help people great things. The empathic humanist in him that very rarely got reported in the press. It just get's reduced to the usual 'so-and-so is evil' bullshit that idiot journalist who can't rub two brain cells together write and call it a living. Long live the internets eh? heh. 

I'm sure Monday's blood-letting will be a complete anti-climax with nothing much else happening and me just waiting for scans to be ordered. Still feel great. MUST bike tomorrow. Even if it's just 1-2 hours. 

Flutter, flutter little bird. Would love to be watching from the wings tonight ;) 

Take care and good luck xx

Oh my typography t-shirt came *squeal* :)

*waves at you*







  • FormerMember

    Hi Alienspaces, when were you able to start swimming after your treatment. Swimming is the only excercise I really enjoy but was tild not to when I had radiotherapy because of my skin and now understand that they don't like you swimming when you're having chemo.
