
1 minute read time.

Dear all, this is my first blog so please bear with me.

I must first point out that the things that I will be talking about have been checked with my consultant before proceeding with them and I suggest that everyone follows this advice.

I will be talking about my struggle with terminal cancer and the things that I do to help me feel better together with the things that have kept me sane.

I am blogging under the name of Fatto as my kids call me this. I would love to blame this all on all the steroids I have taken but alas I was fat before I had cancer. When I met my consultant, before I had treatment, including radiotherapy and chemo, I had read that fat helps to protect the body against the ravages of chemo. I asked my consultant if I needed to put on any more weight to protect myself and he answered, “Trust me you are fat enough!”. This set the tone for a great relationship and general fun at my expense from the consultant and the Macmillan nurses.

This relationship has seen both good and bad things happen, but they all have been my rock and helped me through these last few years. I have nothing but admiration for the NHS and Macmillan.

I hope recording my journey here is helpful to other cancer sufferers and a way to share ideas about how to keep well plus be positive about what we can do to help the doctors in restoring us.

As a lot of what has helped me through is humour and it has been given by the bucketful from my family and friends. To finish, at the end of every blog I will include a joke to hopefully spread my humour to all my lovely readers.I have a blog website at www.fattowithabraintumour.co.uk if anyone wants to support me in my blogging endeavors.

  • Just to send you love and support xx

  • Keep laughing and joking and finding pleasures in life.  My heart goes out to you.  Last Wednesday, 1 week ago, we got the terminal cancer news from the consultant.  My husband has blood cancer, a disease of the bone marrow.  Based on his age and statistics, 50% of people with similar characteristics die in 1.2 years (14-15 months).  It’s a bit sobering.  Our response is similar to yours.  Keep laughing and joking.  Additionally we welcome each day, we go for long walks, keep active, explore and enjoy nature.  We travel as much as possible.  We haven’t left UK since covid, but now that my husband has terminal label on him, travel insurance is stunningly expensive.  I have just begun research into insurance.  We want to go to USA in January; we have to have insurance for that!

  • Look forward to reading your blog Fatto. I have one on here too and find it quite therapeutic as I love writing anway, poetry etc. All the best to you x
