Blasts found in blood after first course of Chemo. AML (0.71 Blasts)

1 minute read time.

My Dad was diagnosed suddenly with AML after seeing his doctor with a really bad infection. This was 4 weeks and 5 days ago. Having always been a very fit and healthy man, it has come as a massive shock to both him and all of the family. The first tests were done and we were told the course of action would be to have Chemo (be hit hard with it) for 10 days and then to see what to do from there on. He was told that it wasnt the worst strain of AML but when we asked specifically the type, we were not told. He has picked up no infections to date and has been following a vigorous and strict routine whereby he practices excellent hygiene and eats well, excercises and remains positive. Only two days ago he was told now that Blasts have been found in his blood (0.71). We are all very worried as we now have to wait until Wednesday for the results of his Bonemarrow test. My dad is thinking the worst which is understandable. I can see that there are several possible Mutations thats if it is a mutation? No one has really given Dad an idea of what they are looking for in the Bonemarrow test. He feels like he is totally in the dark. Being a man of reason and practical thinking, he needs to understand what 'could' be, so as to prepare himself mentally. I am becoming increasingly worried now too about his mental wellbeing and would welcome any support, ideas, successes, ways to deal with the fear. He has mentioned that he feels it would help to talk to someone going through the same, or perhaps someone who has made it through the disease. Anything at ALL I am willing to listen. Thanks in advance. A.x
