Still waiting

1 minute read time.

Doesn't time move slowly sometimes.

I've now tried the pre-op stoma pack, talked to two patients & done more research. Everyone seems happy with their chosen op, but of course haven't been able to try the other to compare. Neither feels quite right for me.

Most seem to have had to have urgent surgery - my process feels immensely drawn out. I'm concious that it's now 3 months since the initial tumour was removed and I'm fearful that an invasive recurrence will pop up before I get to surgery.

Went for CT scan today - the nurse was sympathetic about the timescale - commented that they need to have all the info they can before such a major op. I do appreciate the thoroughness & time to choose, but wish it had been curtailed.

All this thinking time has brought me full circle to my original thought that a third option, only mentioned in passing & seems not offered to all, will suit me best - the Mitrofanoff continent urinary reservoir. Perhaps the need to self-catheterise puts people off.

While I was at the hospital I popped into the cancer support centre - had a weep & a chat. Home to prepare for day surgery tomorrow.
