Feeling a bit cross

1 minute read time.

Now that the consultant & specialist nurse are back from their hols (whereas I had to cancel mine) I rang to speak to the nurse on Monday. Yes, I've been discussed at the MDT last week, but the consultant has to look at the notes (after clinic on Tues) & set priority order for clinic appointments. Can't say which day it will be.

Today (Thurs) still no contact. Rang the clinic - no appointment date set yet. Will be in the next week or three - only one clinic day next week, with the registrar. Consultant is busy catching up on the backlog of surgery. But the wait for surgery will only be a week or two after clinic.

I appreciate that I'm not the most urgent patient - essentially I've just had a 3 month check up - but I feel I haven't been given realistic expectations about the pre-op process & when the op might be. They must have known about the hols & the catch up. Not that I'm looking forward to it, but I've now missed my' window of convenience'.

I'm fed up with all the waiting  -  to get dates for appointments, surgery, then for the event itself, then for the next event etc. & sometimes not much notice. I've not worked more than two & half weeks in a row (I only work part time anyway) since all this started & I don't like letting them down with short notice absence. I can't plan anything with any certainty.


Ah well, rant over. It will happen eventually & then I'll have bigger issues to be concerned about.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Teasswill,

    You rant and rave all you like if you are not happy about appointments or treatment.. You let them know, and make sure they damn well hear.  All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • Thanks for your continuing support.

    I thought I would politely point out how difficult & stressful it is. Don't want to upset the surgeon too much before he sets to with the scalpel!

    I work in a hospital myself, seeing patients - I know how we feel about those who complain loudly...

  • Every cancer patient will understand your frustration. It almost seems the hospital systems work against the well-being of the patient.

    Yes, it is difficult to complain without losing your rag, but sometimes putting something in writing is the most effective way to voice your thoughts.

    Keep strong,


  • Thanks.

    I know there are many here worse off then me, but it's good to have somewhere to let off steam.

    They rang on Mon 15 with appt Thurs 18 - further blog entry on that!