
1 minute read time.

OK I think I am making too much jibberish on messengers and community boards. I think I am overtired and need some rest but I actually feel quite hyper. Real bad indigestion too - Maybe I have eaten a magical herb - I wish! - or maybe I have just eaten too much crap from feeling depressed I dunno.


All I have been doing the last couple of days is crying. Crying that much that my eyes are puffy, red, sore, my lips are sooo sore & I am pale in complexion and dark circles under my once sparkly eyes. If I'd ever wanted to be emo now - I'd look the part without bothering!



The District nurse STILL hasn't brought over any gloves. Dad had to buy some today - and they were £8 per box from the Chemist WTF! I remember last year them being half the price! Fucking rip off country.

Although, we now have the commode. Which is useful although mum still needs help using it.


The palative carer will be out in the morning too. Although I think this is the reason i cannot sleep. Im worried she is gunna turn up really early too. And as Im tired yet not able to sleep at the mo - Im guessing I will sleep in a little later than normal. (mum and sis don't mind me getting up a little later sometimes as they are usually both asleep when I come down in the mornings stil and i usually start on the housework till they wake up!


Anyways think I might try and get a little sleep. Listen to a bit of coldplay and try and get a little sleep :( Im worried.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bizzle

    you left me on my own in chat room, I was talking to myself again lol

    You have alot on your plate love, you need to sleep so you can get up and fight the big fight. You have to take care of yourself too.

    Try not to worry about people turning up early, so what if they do....invite them in, unless you dont like them.

    Hope you did manage some sleep but here is a hug just to get you comfy


  • FormerMember

    Hi Bizzle,

    Caring is hard work with no let up, and when it is someone you love it is easy to forget the toll it is taking on you.

    So what if the carer turns up early. She will realise that you will need your sleep as well.

    nanny b's advice is good so take it!

    Big hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey there

    I keep saying I'm glad I'm the patient, not the carer, which makes people look at me funny (actually, they do that anyway) - "You didn't really want cancer, did you?" Well, no, I didn't, but I would rather go through it myself than watch someone I love suffer.

    I hope the palliative carer helps. And try to sleep - which is about the most useless advice you could give anyone, because, you know, if they're not sleeping it's not through lack of trying.



  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your replies. :) Mean so much that someone spent the time. 

    The carer was actually really nice! She told me off for not bending at the knees enough while trying to move my mum lol and she gave me a couple ideas of how to get some calories into mum. As she finds the nutrient drinks really hard to drink and keep down - even if she sips them! Too sickly!

    I wish sleeping with things on your mind was more easy heh heh. And I think next week if the carer comes round I might answer it in my dressing gown lol instead of panicing in getting myself dressed, sister, mum sorted & the housework n washing etc all done before she got in - not as though she would judge me - but I hate people thinking that I might not be keeping a clean house and stuff - silly really! 

    Hilary B - It must be so hard being the patient as well. I would have thought do with it being more so scary than the onlookers as you're not in control as much as the carers :S In some respects. But then again I don't know...


  • FormerMember


    Patients just have to follow instructions and take it easy.

    Carers don't really know how it is for the patient and have to do all the hard work.

    Of course if you live alone then you are patient and carer and don't really care about the house work and garden!

    Colin xxxxxxx