No hope - what do you mean - no hope!??

Less than one minute read time.

I cannot believe that after what dad has been saying, all along, that its treatable, if mum eats, if mum puts on a little weight, that its treatable. Its all a damn LIE. He told me they cannot treat it. I have to LIE to mum now about getting her better. To give her hope. I can't believe it. Apparently my sister knew. why not me?! Why did they tell me in a way as though I had already been told! I haven't been told. Ive been told that there was hope. I've been praying on the hope....

                                 What can i do.... What can I say.....
What am i meant to do.... I, I, I, really don't know anything.... I sooo scared :'(

  • FormerMember

    Not much I can say other than to offer a cyber-hug :( 

  • FormerMember

    Im so sorry Bizzle.Maybe they thought it would be easier for you to care for your Mum if you had more hope...I dont mean that insultingly.You are doing a wonderful job.Maybe your Mum knows but doesnt say so..these are only guesses of course.I so want to make you feel somewhat better.Many HUGS for you xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bizzle - you sound angry but people do and say things because they want to believe there is hope. Maybe the signs were there when they told you but you didn't take it all in or maybe they fudged the truth to help make you feel better. Try not to be angry. You know now. You can have a good cry, brush yourself down and start again. Try lots of things that people say helps "cure" cancer...but keep your head and don't hope for an absolute cure in case it doesn't work...simply look at it as if it doesn't cure your mum it could extend the quality of her life (i.e. a good diet won't hurt anyone). the diets, the faith healing etc etc... and stay positive so your mum can stay positive. A positive frame of mind helps move mountains. And...mirarcles can happen.

    My brother just died a few weeks ago of cancer. My father has cancer now. My close friend was terminally ill with cancer and has just found that she's been given the all clear (she went the spiritual route - although I'm not sure exactly what she was doing) and somehow,somewhere along the way, her tumour has gone and she can look forward to living life to the full again.

    So don't give up hope. You have lots of time for regrets if and when your mum passes - but now is the time to rejoice that you still have her - and live each day to the full. She was never going to live forever - none of us do. At least you have a chance to tell her and show her how much you love her and just concentrate on helping her while building a lifetime worth of precious memories in the time you have left. Hugs, Nic xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bizzle,

    I am so sorry about your mum. I can honestly say that I know what you are going through at the moment. I nursed my dear mum in very difficult circumstances until she went in to hospital and died shortly afterwards from Breast Cancer. This was 40 years ago. Focus on the love and care you are privileged to give your mum. I have carried the comfort of the help I gave thoughout my life. Sadly, I now have to cope with my husband's cancer. It is difficult to convey in words the support I am trying to give you, but I am sure whatever your family did nor did not tell you, there intentions were motivated by love.

    I am mentally holding your hand,

    Take care,


  • FormerMember

    Honey, don't ever say 'die' until you absolutely have to. 'While there's life there's hope' is a cliche, but it's true. Keep on giving your mum the best care you can, try everything possible for her, and, most importantly, get her to fight. I truly believe that that's what makes the difference. I had a friend, many years ago, who'd been given months to live. She lasted ten years longer than that, defiant to the very last.

    *hugs* from me, and all my good wishes.

