First Nurse meeting.

1 minute read time.

Palative care came out today. I was worried before hand whether I was going to have the house all clean, mum sorted, sister sorted, incase she thought I wasnt coping well!!!

Though I don't know why i was that irrational as I know that they won't judge me for the tiniest amount of mess, like a pile of washing or an unvacuumed floor but i seem to be irrational about a few things lately, or worry over the most silliest of things!

I managed to get a little sleep last night - well this morning. Though was awoken early and have been knackered ALL day!! Mum has been more ill than she has been today as well. The nurse kept asking me if I was OK and if I was coping. I said yes. But I could see her questioning it a little because of how tired I look and me trying to hold back tears a couple of times while she was there, She said she will pop over again next week to see if mums eating has improved. 

We also got a delievery of a wedge for mum to be able to sit up easier in bed and a new memory form mattress. Which I am glad for. Although we haven't been able to to put it on her bed today because she has been that tired and ill that she hasnt wanted to get up all day - not even to the loo - which is worrying! 

  • FormerMember

    Try not to worry about getting thing ready for the nurse - it's a bit like cleaning the house before the cleaner comes (if we could afford a cleaner. I wish!). But she's there to help, not judge.

    I'm sorry your mum's bad today - or yesterday. I hope there'll be some relief for both her and you.



  • FormerMember

    Do not clean for the nurses!

    And don't put on a brave face for them..

    they are there to help you and of course you need help. Everyone needs help. It doesn't mean you can't cope or are rubbish at things. And of course you will feel irrational. Maybe have a nap when your mum does... housework can wait until the flies start packing their cases and moving out...

    Sorry your mum had a bad day and I hope she has better ones. And next time the nurse comes, don't clean etc and tell her how you really are... I will check!!!

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    ok, I understand that the house needs cleaning, washing needs doing etc, etc.....your not wont be put on the naughty step if it isnt done (thats reserved for LM and a couple of others anyway)....what will happen is, you will become ill yourself from worrying and doing the impossible.

    Dont hide how you are feeling love, cry when you need to and tell the nurse its hard work, she knows its tough going but cant help if your not honest with her....

    Hope Mum is feeling bit better and you are managing to get some sleep.......yes I know its gone 3 in the morning as I type, Im old and need less....sleep that is ha ha


  • FormerMember

    Hi Biz

    Sending huge hugs and cuddles and an order to look after yourself and stop sweating the small stuff.  Cleaning and tidying does not matter and of course you must tell the nurses how you feel.

    Hope your mam has a better day today and with a bit of luck you will get the new mattress on for her and she will feel better for that too.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Biuz,

    The Nurses arnt coming to give your house the once over as to wether its clean and tidy,and the washing is done.  They are there to see your Mum and you, and to make sure you both are ok. So dont go worrying.  Get a good nights sleep.  Look after yourself. Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx