Another Palliative Care Visit From the Hospital

1 minute read time.

This time it was more awkward than before. This time not much was said, not much was done. Mums worse than she was. Has stopped taking any food what so ever. has stopped taking her milk like she did. I feel guilty as I had been putting Procal in her milk (you cannot taste it) but it meant she had more energy than what she would have had. My sister never did cos she never agreed with it. But Extra calories count, right? I had also tried mixing them nutrient drinks in with milk and nesquik, which she didn't like, but she knew about it!

Made me shocked as the Palliative Care lady, (Bearing in mind, I know, and always have known, she is via the hospital and not Macmillan) got really offended and made me feel sooo small when I went to ask about whether or not the information for cancer care was accurate enough to go by on their site... she got very aggressive( to the extent you could see the reddening in her eyes, lol)  She actually really scared me. My sister was gob smacked and could not believe how unprofessional and uncalled for her reaction was. It was like I insulted her! Now I am dreading the next visit from her! I apparently offended her THAT much that she refused to talk to me for the rest of the visit and talk to sister and dad instead - even though I'm her carer!!!! 

Mum has been SO ill today, So weak and tired, in pain, uncomfortable. I spent ages running my fingers through her hair, stroking her head, and massaging her limbs, to try and make her relax, to feel more comfortable.... Though in the end tonight, She had to take a little morphine.... I'm worried now as it might be a downward spiral with that... *sigh*

On a lighter note - I have messed my toe up!!!!! (was all black) and it has now "popped" I thought I had broken it - but It might have been dislocated.....

  • FormerMember

    Dont feel guilty for anything Bizzle.You have done your very best and Im sure your Mum has appreciated it very much.Just keep her pain free and as comfortable as possible and look after yourself too.Hope you toe will be ok.I broke my little toe once i think cos it was black and painful.xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bizzle

    You have every right to ask these questions and if this person continues to treat you so unprofessionally I would contact the hospital and PALS.  Do not waste your time and energy worrying about it.

    You are doing a wonderful job looking after your Mam and I am sure both she and your Dad appreciate everything you do.

    Don't forget to look after yourself too.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx