The army is on the march!

Less than one minute read time.

I started my new chemo regime yesterday and it went very well. I say new, its the carbo/taxol that I have had twice before but given every week for 3 weeks instead of once every 3 weeks. The fourth week is a break from chemo (although I still have to go to the hospital to see the consultant) and then the cycle starts again. I was booked to have a pre-chemo chat beforehand, but was told I didn't need it as I am an "expert" at having chemo. I must say that on my list of "things I would like to be good at", having chemo wasn't one of them! However, I am feeling quite uplifted this morning as I like to think of the chemo drugs as my own private army, charging round inside me. overpowering and then getting rid of this nasty invader. Holding on to that thought, I send very best wishes to everyone in Macland and hope today is a good one for you all.

                       Take care and feel well,

                                   Love lizzie xx



  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie,

    What a fantastic attitude, I have just finished my chemo 3 fec100 3 tax and due to start radiotherapy soon, like you even tho I have had my rough days chemo/radio are my own private little army and your comment made me smile because when I was a child thats how my mum explained infection fighting cells when I was ill.  So thank you for bringing back that sweet memory for me.

    All the best to you with your treatment,

    best wishes, gentle hugs Alex x

  • FormerMember

    Hi lizzie, have to say full of admiration for your attitude.  Have spoken to you before I am on same treatment you were on before, the tree weekly cycle and finding that a bit hard to do it every week must take some doing.  You sound a lovely lady.  You really do have to enjoy the days when you have a good day, dont you?  Funny now the things you think of as great, first session of chemo got an infection so spent most of three weeks in hospital.  On a high this months because so far its just been the chemo side effects, life is strange!!!   Know what you mean about not wanting to be an expert in chemo.  I wish you the very best with your treatment over the next couple of weeks.  Take care xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie my lovely, that is the spirit girl and I like the way you put it with the 'army'. I have always put it down to boxing, cancer hits me, I hit it back even harder, maybe with me being a bouncer I should say to it,'You're banned from the club, get out, you are not welcome'. I start chemo again on the 3rd of next month from weekly to 3 weekly. So lizzie you get polishing those army boots and I will do the same with my boxing gloves, let us kick cancer arse together. Take care Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Lizzie,

    I really love your attitude and I'm so glad you are coping well and feeling as good as can be!  You go girl : ) My mum starts her chemo today, the exact same type as you.  I hope she does as well as you are.  Take care. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie,

    Now you see thats the type of attitude you need for this fight. If its going to try and hurt you, You hurt it but do it First. The best of luck with your treatment.

    Take care Big Hugs Love