Bit of a funny day......

1 minute read time.

Hi all,

         Bit of a funny day today or maybe my expectations were too high. I have been to see my consultant and was hopeful that my CA125 had gone down after 2 cycles of Caelyx. It was 202 before starting treatment and now it is 234. "Oh ", I said "it's gone up!". "No" said my consultant, "A rise like that is nothing, it's stable". Previously, on carboplatin/taxol, there had always been a considerable drop and I suppose I was expecting the same this time.

          Then the consultant said that , because I had had the CA125 done at my local hospital he wanted another one done at this hospital where I have my treatment. According to him, the test result can vary from hospital to hospital which quite surprised me as I thought they would be standard wherever you went.  He then said that if the result was similar I would not need a scan in the near future but should there be any surprises i.e much higher, I would have a scan in the next few weeks.

           I have had previous scans at my local hospital and this hospital but he wants me to have the next one at  the same place as the last scan I had, because he needs it to be on the same machine as they too can vary! Has anyone else been told this?

             Anyway, I was feeling a little bit down when I left the hospital (especially as it started to pour with rain), but by the time I got home the sun was shining and I was back to my usual cheery self. I will get the new CA125 result on Wednesday morning and hopefully have chemo the same day.

              Take care and feel well,

                             Love lizzie xx


  • May the continue to shine on you and your health. Hope all goes well on Wednesday.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Best wishes for wednesday,fingers, toes etc crossed for a good result!

    gentle hugs,

    Alex x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, l have just finished the six rounds of caeylx. My CA125 did not come down either it just bobed up and down but not by much. I had a ct scan about half way through because there was a possibility that it was not working, but the cancer had shrunk so l continued the course. I have not had the results of the scan l had at the end of the course as yet.

    Not suprised you felt down l did too. But l am not seeing my Onclogist untill july so l think every think is ok. I hope that you are too. will look out for you. sorry we have not met before. Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie, Hope all goes well on wednesday,will be thinking of you. I don't know about the blood tests varying  at different hospitals,I have mine done at the local hospital some time and presume there is no difference.Hope you are feeling better today.

         Best Wishes Love Sue  xxx

  • FormerMember

    I go to the same hospital every time for scans as I was told it is better to use the same machine. I also go on Fridays so the same doc can look at them. So many variables, it's a wonder anything gets done. My C A levels went down to 2.4 and I was really pleased but the doc said it didn't mean anything!!

    Good luck for tomorrow

    Jen XX