Please help me pray my mum will be ok

1 minute read time.
As some of you may know, my mum is currently suffering with AML, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. She was in total remission for about 5 months, then relapsed in June 09. Since then she has had shingles, which she stil has. She has slight pneumonia, which has gone. Blisters on her tongue, blister on the roof of her mouth with fungal stuff in it. Maybe a prolapse, which now nurses think it could be haemmoroids. She hasn't eaten properly since saturday evening when all of a sudden she felt the urge to eat and did quite well. She is on Hydroxycarbamide chemo tablets to try and stabilise her white cells, but last wed they were as high as 75%. Todays blood test, will show if they have gone up and hopefully come down,. She is on 8 chemo tabs a day. She is also on fentanyl patches for pain relief for the shingles. Prednislone steroids, liver tablets, anti fungals, virals etc and feels absolutely shattered. She has diorrahea which could be because she isn't eating much and even though she drinks liquids, dad can't seem to get enough into her. She had a bag of potassium last week and is now on potassium tablets. But because mum isn't hardly eaten, and if she does, she feels sick afterwards and gets stomach ache, then the tablets are just sitting on an empty stomach. Yesterday dad rang the hospital to see if he could admit her, but as mum needs a room in her own as she is neutropenic and has the runs, they haven't a room free. So the Macmillan nurse is trying to get her into our local hospice. Of course we are all panicking and my dad seems to think that is it now. He really is worried about her and so are me and my brothers. I hope someone can pray for her and it will all be ok. Binnie xx