Mums appointment today

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Hi All, Mum has been to the hospital today and even though the news wasn't good, it wasn't exactly bad either. The doctor said mums blasts were 18% on wed last week, then they had jumped to 30% by friday. She has had chemo tablets twice a day, but today the blasts were at 33%. So they hadn't gone down, but they also hadn't jumped up as much as they did from the wed to the fri. So hopefully the tablets will start to do the job soon. The dr has upped the dosage to three lots a day now as well as anti fungals etc. Mum feels worn out now. She has to have little cat naps. Fingers crossed that by next wed, the counts will be better. Belinda xx
  • FormerMember

    pleased about your mum.

    i have all my fingers crossed for your mum.

    love toni x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Toni, will update when I know more.


  • FormerMember

    Mums got thrush of the mouth/throat at the moment.

    Today a Macmillan Nurse came round and mum thought it must be the end of the road with her coming round.

    Dad has had to ensure her that they are just on hand for information/help etc. Poor mum she must feel so down at the moment.

    Anyway the nurse has given mum some build up drinks in case she loses her appetite again. She has also told her that she can claim about £60 a week and that my dad can claim a carers allowance.

    She has been given a spray for her tongue to get rid of the dry feeling that the thrush is causing and some anti sickness tablets.

    She hasn't been as sleepy today which is good, so hopefully the chemo tablets are helping to keep the blasts under control.

    Her temp was sky high last night, but taking two paracetomols brought it down quickly.

    Binnie xx