
1 minute read time.

My husband bill,was in the RAF regiment during the second world war,he was in the middle east for 4 years. and when he came out,he went to university and trained to be a herdsman,and he had a lot of qulifications.he came to shepreth to work on a farm there,and met his first wife mary,they married and had 2 sons,she later died in1988,I had always known the family haveing lived in the village all my life.we started going out together after bill took my dog for walks after i had a foot operation,we got married in 1990,we were both adults and didnt see why we shouldnt,though i was pregnant according to every-one in the village,but i cant have children,so that was one in the eye for them, i moved into bills council house and we both loved the garden,we shared the garden between us,what produe we had a lot of we sold at our gate,that brought compost etc for the folling year,we used on fertilser on the ground so our produce was good.Bill grew the large chrysanthmums,and these too were sold.,our holidays were oranised around them,they were like our children LOL. we had our dogs german shepherds and we used to walk for miles,in the country lanes where we lived,But then Bill started to have black outs and one day he broke his hip,and our life never was the same again,they mended his hip,but we were told he had Myeloma,which effects the blood and bones,he was in and out of hospital after falling quite a few times, maybe this will read better LOL----he was given chemo in tablet form and he took dozens of pills,he had never been ill as such and this was all a bit of a shock to him. he finished his chemo and he was able to drive his car again,but we didnt go far,then he had to have blood test again and they found the cancer was back again,and they put him on another drug on a trial one and made him have heart failure and sadly before he could have a pacemaker fitted,he passed away i was with him and i can honestly say i was shocked,never dreamed,he would go so quick.and leave me all alone.But im comeing nicely,get very lonely. It will be 4 yrs in september when he died.    Dbeorah 1950 (katie)



  • FormerMember

    Hi Deborah,

    Thankyou for sharing your story. When we lose a loved companion loneliness is a normal feeling and it's not pleasant.

    There is a group for "bereaved spouses" and if you post in there I am sure you will get help and support.

    Big Hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello, Deborah.

    I was moved to read your blog about your Bill, and when I saw your profile picture of the gorgeous wee dog, I had to come and say hello. Nobody has to be lonely on mac: I've made lots of friends here and they've done so much for my confidence.

    Big hugs from minima and her Westie. x x x

  • FormerMember

    Aww Debs:

    Sounds like you and Bill had a wonderful relationship.  It's no wonder that you miss him so much. 

    I wish I could pop round for a cuppa and a hug - but I am here anytime you need a friend.


    Pam xx xx xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debs, I agree all the way, some people were made to be loved so very much and you were certainly one of them.  You should write a novel, it would make a beautiful read I bet, are you still in contact with his Sons?xx Love you to bits