Bile duct cancer recurred and has spread after Whipples at Guildford

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My mum had a Whipple's operation May 1st 2012 at Guildford, although lives in Littlehampton, West Sussex so we have a 3-4 hour journey each time we visit!She reocvered well after having to wait nearly 3 months for the jaundice and infections to setle. she also had C diff which delayed the surgery.She went on the BILCAP trial to get chemo post op but got selected to be on the "obsevation only" option! of course the cancer recurred in November 2012, and started Cis/Gem chemo in February at Guildford. We were told that the tumour is inoperable as the cancer is in the peritoneum as well.She is due to finish chemo this month and have been in touch with Prof Peter Lodge at Leeds, to see if he can help at all.Thanks to Elaine on this site for recommending him.

  • FormerMember
    Hi Katy. Have been reading much on this site and your blog and comments have made me comment. First off, I hope your mum is well? I had my operation to remove my cancer, read my profile for further info, in September. I, too, am on the 'observation' group on the BILCAP trial. To date I am ok. Waiting until January for my first check up. I had hoped to be part of the trial which received treatment, but there you go. Have no idea as to recurrence of cancer after operation, but I personally was very ill before my op. Your story about your mum was a mirror to myself. Hope all well. Take care. Geoff.