Bigsisters Littlsister - Tell the Truth?

1 minute read time.
Yesterday sister had a bit of sickness, so they have upped the anti-nausea dose. No sickness today - also no radiotherapy when its the weekend. It seems on closer inspection the reason for the discomfort during the treatment is because the mask is too tight, so they might cut a hole in it. Just been alking to mum. On friday a lady who sister has seen daily at radiotherapy, who is also undergoing treatment, finished after her 7 days treatment. Sister seemed shocked that it was so short, compared to her 30 days. Mum suggests that up until that point sister may have thought her treatment was fairly minimal. She's not been excluded from any converstations with the doctors.Shes heard them say this radiotherapy 'is the best chance of beating this'. But she seems to be under the impression that its not very serious. When she asked mum why her treatment was so long compared to the other lady mum didnt know what to say, and didn't want to say its because sister is actually seriously unwell. So now mum is worried that when sister finds out the seriousness of her situation she will think she's been lied to. What do you think? Should she be told? or should we allow her to be as positive as possible for as long as possible? I think if she asks, she deserves to know, but I think if she doesnt ask it may be a bad idea to tell her the harsh truths. We don't want to upset her. It's going to be hard enough when she finds her hair on her pillow, let alone any other problems we encounter along this journey. Yours in what feels like endless anxiety, Bryony (bigstister) xxx