Second opinions

2 minute read time.

Been sat here since 05:45 this morning not much traffic coming throo the gate and you get to think about things your mind wanders and you begin to think about things to do with this vile disease.

My mind wondered to the second opinion syndrome and whether or not it would be worth the hassle, my consultant at Lincoln Mr McRae was fantastic but the Oncologist just sat there and hardly said a word, he just seemed to grunt and nod his head, not very inspiring, my consultant told me a would have to have surgery, a tonsillectomy and when the results are back he would get me in, he did and told me that the PRIMARY could not be found, with that he handed me over to the consultant Oncologist who then mentioned for the first time Chemo therapy in conjunction with the Radio Therapy i already knew i woud be having, as Mr McRae mentioned this on numerous occassions, with the oncologist saying nothing just nodding and grunting. I am not over awed by this guy and was wondering if anyone else has had another treatment bundled on them at such short notice?

Feel like the Oncologist should have mentioned the Chemo to me before when i had a number of consultations, i told him i am not happy with having the Chemo but will talk it over with my family and the nurse specialist when i next go to the hospital,

Will it be worth me getting a second opinion on the treatment or will i just be wasting my time and delaying the radio therapy, i have told them that after the radio therapy has been done and it has not worked i will review the Chemo. I feel a bit let down with the Oncologist and his silent attitude when i told him No i wont be bulldozed into treatment without knowing what side effects etc and what it could do to the other problems i have. I told him its my decision and its my body. All he said "Are you refusing the Chemo?" i told him i need more time to think as you never mentioned it before. I have heard from a few cancer sufferers in our area that he doesnt inspire confidence in you when he tries to sort our your treatment, i always give people the benefit of doubt but they seem to be right, i ahve nothing against foreigners but they need to learn to speak our language enabling them to get what they want to do over in our language and not in doctors spiel

Want to hear from anyone who has had similiar experiences when seeing the Oncologists and being told one thing then given or tried to be given treatment without proper consultation

Happy Christmas


  • FormerMember

    Happy Christmas Biggles.

    Take and keep safe. Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hey Biggles,

    I hope you have a good Christmas.  I know what you mean.  I had surgery then was told I'd be having more chemo- when I saw my oncologist again suddenly I was having two Stem Cell Transplants.  Here's my take on it.  The oncologists know best- they take your results and decide what will, theraputically be best for you.  With chemo it is best to hit the cells when they're at there lowest point rather than waiting to come back.  However, it's up to you what to do and if you trust your oncologist.  Personally I take everything I'm given no matter the side effects.

    Take care


  • FormerMember


    Happy Christmas.

  • FormerMember

    All the best Al.

    I am sure it must have come as a huge shock to you. Ask as many questions as you can.

    Remember they don't offer chemo for no good reason.

    Take Care and try to enjoy the rest of the festivities.

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi my mum was recently diagnosed with secondary liver cancer with an unknown primary. I took her for a 2nd opinion to the London Bridge Liver center - had to pay for the consultaiton but boy was it worth it. They gave her so much info and time. The NHS consultant was very nice but didnt show us the scans or explain the disease and completely ruled out ever having any surgery, or in fact any kind or respite from it. However the private 2nd opinon consultant did give us a ray of hope, and spent so much time showing us the scans explaining the anatomy of it all and even drew a diagram. In the end the prognosis may end up the same as at this momen in time there is no cure, but he certainly gave us some hope whereas the NHS dr just wrote my mum off. My mum smiled for the first time in age and any hope you can get you cling on to and any smile you cherish. Geta 2nd opinion becuse you will know then that you did all that you could do.