1 minute read time.

A happy new year to all my friend on this great site and hope you all have a pain free 2011.

I have had my treatment plan and start RT on Mon 10th Jan having had my mesh mask made and the check films done to pin point the treatment, i will be having 34 lots of treatment and hope to carry on working throughout or as long as i can stand it hopefully untill the end at least of the treatment then will have two or three weeks off to recover.. Having had my final check with my very claustrophobic mesh prison that allows me to be treated, we had a false start yesterday when half way throo the checking i lost sensation in the right side of my neck and pain shot from the right side into my right ear, making me want the damn thing taking off, they then told me i would have to have a neck mould done enabling me to be more comfy, i thought i was being funny and sai i would suffer the pain for as long as it was gonna make me better but the radiographer told me not to worry they would make another neck rest that was more comfy for me, so i went back today to have the last twenty mins on the new neck rest which i can say was much more comfy so comfy i actually fell asleep throughout he whole process. 

So i am all set i need to go to see the oncology consultant to sign the consent forms and to have a last minute chat about any wories or niggles i may have, then its off to be zapped 34 times to be exact, mon to friday with resting on Sat & Sun. starting on Monday Jan 10th and ending on Thu Feb 24th. then have a week or two to recover.

So then i hope that after it is over i should be free of this vile disease that is inhabiting my body for a short period hoping that it has gone for good HOPEFULLY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

So everyone have a good pain free ( as much as possible) new year and a prosperous one too.

biggles13 AKA Big Al xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Big Al,

    All the best for the New Year may it bring you Happiness and Health. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    You do make me laugh!! I hope you manage to fall asleep often whilst on that neck rest!!!

    Best of luck with the process,  and look forward to hearing how it is going/how it has gone!


    ALi  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx