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helo again peeps another week and another session under the "ZAPPER" for another dose of sorry another fraction of the whole of the dose to eliminate this vile disease out of my body.

My tongue is swelling up nobody told me that i wud be speaking like Freddie Parrot face Davis, my saliva has become almost non existant so everything i put in my mouth make it difficult to chew and makes ones mouth go very dry, water neds to bve added to nearly everything ah well only another 6 weeks plus to go. Crash diet seems to be working. Feeling very tired after the fraction but am trying to stay at work for as long as possible, not being there does not pay the bills.

Seems to be that the treatment is going well the mask is almost my second home feels very comfy after the initial coldness, had my hair cut yesterday as the hair was sticking out through the mesh, wish i could have got a pick of it then i would have posted it on here. would have made a few people laugh. Treatment has been altered a few days "Operational delays" they say anyone else been given a full schedule then only to have it changed on a what sems like a daily basis, i asked for the latest slot available so today am going to ask why? or why me?

Ah well another day watching the day go by and looking at the cathedral throo the fog, it lifts amd falls again the sun is shining on it at the moment. (08:30)

See you all in the chat room

Biggles13 (aka Big Al)

  • FormerMember

    keep going hun im trying so hard to pick myself up dust myself off and get back to being me its so hard though im off out first time in the sunlight since last wed when i got my chemo so going to savour the air fairbeit the london air but bet it feels so good

    loads of love jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Am trying not to let it stop me being myself too but its a very hard thing to do when i am usually active at work and at home tried painting the garage door yesterday but getting it prepped tired me out so i will do it in stages even tho it could take ages lol

  • FormerMember

    Hi Biggles,I know just how important it can be for us to stay on our feet,eh?

    Please slow down a wee bit and rest for a while as the fatigue can hit you so hard when you least expect it too!!

    Big hugs to you and yours,Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    Yes thats why i gave the youngest a tenner to finish the job while i sir on the wall and supervise