Day 47

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Cycle 3, Day 3
Sorry for the delay, Didn't really have the energy most of the time to update.

Still a little low on energy now so I will keep this relatively short, Just approaching day 4 of cycle 3, One more cycle left after this! yay! Definitely easier mentally to cope with things now, than the first cycle but feeling pretty fatigued physically. My legs are sore the same way my head was before my hair fell out so I imagine that the hairs on my legs are due to fall out over the next couple of days, No big deal though haha What's a bit of leg hair eh? :P

Can't really think of much to add right now so will update in the next blog post xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Lee,

    I've just thru your chemo diary and think it was a great idea - I think to most people preparing we've no idea how it's going to make us feel. Like will I be tired ? Will i be sick ? It's all up in the air.

    I've still got more diagnostics to complete before they decide on my treatment, another biopsy tomorrow and MRI thursday, I've got 3 lumps one in anxilliary lymph node and 2 in breast, The lymph is cancerous, not the primal tumour so i'm hoping its the breast and no where else.

    Anyway thought I'd say Hi and hope you are not feeling too bad today : )